Well, my engineering side has had to cross over to the marketing side for a bit (all my ex-GM coworkers should get a kick out of that comment!). I really wish I was encouraged to take more business classes while in college! Oh well, I learned how to study and I did graduate with a BS in Electical Engineering... I'm just not using the degree as it was originally purposed! I'm re-engineering my degree for photography purposes! :)
Here's a new postcard/brochure that I'm working on for an upcoming event. I'm excited to have more print materials available, beyond my business card, to show potential clients. Facebook did a horrible job showcasing this so here's a better copy!
BTW - if you haven't stopped by my facebook page, please do! You can find me
here. I've got a few other things I'm designing for the business so check back over the next month! :)
Copyright 2012 © by Nicole Pawlaczyk. All rights reserved.
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